Lauri Jemison
Lauri Jemison is a Wildlife Biologist with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. For the past 30 years she has conducted research on pinnipeds from southern Alaska through the Bering Strait region. Her research has focused on examining distribution and movement patterns, estimating population trends, and identifying the causes of and working toward solutions to prevent marine mammal entanglements in marine debris and fishing gear. Lauri has been concerned about the welfare of animals from a young age; in recent years she has worked to transport unwanted dogs out of small remote communities to new homes in the state. She has a passion for hiking, conservation, and traveling to remote parts of Alaska to observe and study wildlife.
Kim Raum-Suryan
Kim has had a passion for helping animals since she was a child. She especially enjoys combining her love of animals with conservation and education. Kim has worked with marine mammals for the past 30 years in Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, California, and Mexico. Kim strongly believes that working TOGETHER, we can find innovative solutions to prevent marine mammal entanglements and reduce marine debris. As a Marine Mammal Biologist with NOAA Fisheries in Juneau, Alaska, Kim serves as the Pinniped Entanglement Group (PEG) Coordinator, Steller sea lion Recovery Coordinator, and NOAA Ocean Guardian School Regional Coordinator. Kim is constantly inspired by the dedication, commitment, compassion, and perseverance of PEG members.

Kate Savage
Kate has always had a deep fascination with wildlife and has worked with many wildlife species. She received a Masters and Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine from Colorado State University and post-graduate training in wildlife pathology from James Cook University in Townsville Australia. Kate thinks the PEG is one of the most dynamic, committed, and fun groups she has ever experienced and is excited that the group is growing. Pinnipeds entanglements are a global problem that deserve much wider recognition.

Michael Williams
Mike helped capture and disentangle an entangled fur seal in 1992. That event forever changed his perspective on plastics in the environment. He continues to be involved today in many aspects of marine debris prevention and responding to wildlife being affected by marine debris. Since August 2005 Mike has been the Pribilof Islands Program Manager and Fur Seal Research Coordinator for the National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Region in Anchorage. He works extensively with local residents, tribal governments, and Alaska Native Organizations on marine mammal conservation and management issues.
Learn More
To learn more about some of our PEG members and their efforts to help seals and sea lions, please click on the links below.
Vancouver Aquarium Marine Mammal Rescue
United Kingdom
Cornwall Seal Group Research Trust
British Divers Marine Life Rescue