Pinniped Entanglement Group (PEG)
A global community dedicated to the safety and welfare of pinnipeds (seals and sea lions)
NOAA Photo Permit 18537 ADFG

What We Do
Rescue of a Steller sea lion by a PEG team in Alaska

Removing a packing band: The sea lion was sedated and the plastic packing band was cut and removed

Tagging and sampling: The rescue team examined the health of the sea lion and applied satellite tags after the packing band was removed

Two days after release: The sea lion sporting a temporary satellite tag, glued to its fur, to monitor its survival
How You Can Help
Lose the Loop!
Lose the Loop!

Stash the Trash!
Stash the Trash!

Reduce Single Use!
Reduce Single Use!

Pick 10 Each!
Pick 10 each, have a clean beach!

Contact Manufacturers!
Contact Manufacturers!
Ask manufacturers to find alternatives to plastic packing bands and other synthetic materials. Ask businesses to stop using plastic packing bands and find alternatives.
Support Our Efforts!
Support Our Efforts!
SR3 (Sealife + Response + Rehab + Research) is PEG’s fiscal sponsor. Please Donate!
What is a Pinniped?
Pinniped means “fin-footed” and includes seals, sea lions, and walruses.
NOAA Photo Permit 18537 ADFG