How You Can Help
Lose the Loop!
Lose the Loop!

Stash the Trash!
Stash the Trash!

Reduce Single Use!
Reduce Single Use!
Refuse single use. Reuse water bottles, bags, and more.
Pick 10 Each!
Pick 10 each, have a clean beach!
Consider picking up at least 10 pieces of trash each time you are at the beach, alongside a river, or anywhere you live. Remember water connects us all and all streams and rivers eventually lead to the ocean.
Contact Manufacturers!
Contact Manufacturers!
Ask manufacturers to find alternatives to plastic packing bands and other synthetic materials. Ask businesses to stop using plastic packing bands and find alternatives.
Support Our Efforts
Support Our Efforts!
SR3 (Sealife + Response + Rehab + Research) is PEG’s fiscal sponsor. Please Donate!