How You Can Help

icon of scissors cutting packing band

Lose the Loop!

Lose the Loop!

 Cut ANY loops before properly discarding in the trash.
icon of trash can

Stash the Trash!

Stash the Trash!

Help keep plastic and other trash out of the ocean.
icon of single use plastic bottles

Reduce Single Use!

Reduce Single Use!

Refuse single use. Reuse water bottles, bags, and more.

icon throwing away trash

Pick 10 Each!

Pick 10 each, have a clean beach!

Consider picking up at least 10 pieces of trash each time you are at the beach, alongside a river, or anywhere you live. Remember water connects us all and all streams and rivers eventually lead to the ocean.

icon of packaging

Contact Manufacturers!

Contact Manufacturers!

Ask manufacturers to find alternatives to plastic packing bands and other synthetic materials. Ask businesses to stop using plastic packing bands and find alternatives.

Icon Lose the Loop

Support Our Efforts

Support Our Efforts!

SR3 (Sealife + Response + Rehab + Research) is PEG’s fiscal sponsor. Please Donate!

Support our efforts to disentangle seals and sea lions around the world

SR3 (Sealife + Response + Rehab + Research) is PEG’s fiscal sponsor.  If you would like to support PEG, please click here to donate. 

SR3 SeaLife Response, Rehabilitation and Research is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (Tax ID: 45-1491069); all contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Photo credit: ADFG NOAA permit 18537-1